Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Cute Chase Finlayson got baptized during Fall Break this year, so this little Finlayson family decided to find some fun activities to do around home.
     -Thursday the boys hung out with friends and each other, making it a great opportunity for Rick and I to grab Porcupine for dinner.  
     -Friday morning I took the boys to the Draper temple to do baptisms for the dead.  It was Connor's first time and I was so thankful that Nathan was there to help Connor every step of the way.  While I was watching them, the little temple worker commented how great it was that they would take time from their break and come to the temple.  I was reminded what amazing children I have.  I am so thankful to be their mom.  
     -Saturday Chase was baptized, Brylee played awesome at her soccer game, and the U beat Stanford!  It was a great day!
     -Sunday Brittani and Cody came over for dinner.  Britt had been gone to an away meet on Friday and Saturday, so we were so thankful that they came for dinner on Sunday.  It's always so nice to have her home.
     -Monday we went bowling, Connor had football, and life went back to normal.  It's crazy how fast a long weekend goes by.

^Connor let Nathan and I mess with his style a little, giving him a new hair style and buttoning his top button!  He is so dang cute!  Nice face Nathan! 

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, I won both games of bowling!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


We quietly sat on the first row of the hard chairs in a packed meeting.  Two farewells that day.  I looked up on the stand and saw both of my boys up there, one to be presented for the Aaronic Priesthood, the other to bless the sacrament.  As Connor stood next to the bishop, my eyes drifted to Nathan who was leaned forward, grinning ear to ear, so proud of his little brother.  "How did this happen?" I often say.  "How did they grow up so fast?"

He was six weeks early, a perfect baby, and my little miracle.  And now, in what seems to have been a blink of the eye, he struts off the stand, comes and sits down by me and whispers, "I didn't know if I had to sing on the stand so I mouthed it."

He has a strong personality, is his father's son in every way, and he melts my heart like no one else can. When I look at him I know that he will change lives, he is a leader, he is tender and caring and kind.  He feels deeply, and loves openly, and gives the best hugs in the world.  And as I watched him on the stand, that beautiful Sunday morning, I was so proud of the man he is becoming.

Happy Birthday Connor Lynn.  You light up my life.  You make me laugh.  I love you to infinity and beyond...and then way more than that.  Remember always who you are and what you stand for.  Remember always how much you are loved.

I'm so proud of you.

^^Connor is one of the captains of his football team.^^
Rick took this picture just before the game - we don't make them small!

^^his signature melts my heart^^

 ^^Better Than... Anything cake for Connor's birthday dinner^^

Connor's Birthday Party
For Connor's party we went to Space Camp!  The boys loved it - and they accomplished their mission - just in case you were wondering!  After Space Camp they all came back to our house for cake and then Rick took the boys from Connor's football team to Provo for a team fundraiser.  It was a packed day but Connor loved every minute of it...except losing his football game, I'm not going to lie, we had a few tears!